Saturday, December 17, 2011

Philippine Judiciary: A whole lot of grease-money (part 2)

(this is continued from the first blog...)

* Court of Appeals - this is another joke of the Philippine Judicial branch. Let us say I killed someone. So If I was pronounced 'GUILTY', I can 'appeal' again to make it 'NOT GUILTY.'  Hey, it works like a charm, and this has been done by lots of people, who has lots of cash to spend and 'grease' out the judges and staff there.

* Court of Tax Appeals - Ever heard of the pawnshop owner who bought a Ferrari and was sent to the Philippines tax free? So you forgot about this story huh? So he was charged, no big deal. he can always go to this another pathetic branch where you can make an appeal and remove your taxes off the slate.

There are other branches as below, you can read them what they do as you like. They have no purpose in anyway I could think of. Enlighten me if there is something important.

Judicial and Bar Council
Office of the Court Administrator
Philippine Judicial Academy
Philippine Mediation Center

As you can see, I am critical with the Philippine justice system. I myself is a victim too. But past is past, I am just sharing these with you. Life is unfair really, and there maybe other countries out there much worse than the Philippines when it comes to corruption and poor justice. But I am not concerned with them so, let them be.

If you watched 'Back to the Future II', it is a dream for everyone that court decisions come out in just minutes - removing the need for judges and lawyers.

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