Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hacking: More Fun in the Philippines

There was a news report recently that some South Koreans are caught and sent to jail together with their, I don't know, entourage of cute ladies.

But their motive is clear, they are hacking Globe (one of the mobile carriers in the Philippines) networks communication infrastructure. Its purpose, to get access to cheap calls. But they are nabbed by authorities.

A true sign of corporate greed in lurking around here.

There are some rumors maybe the technology they have used is VoIP, which uses the Internet to make long distance and local calls much cheaper. It is being used predominantly in India, Europe, and even in the USA.
You know Skype right? And so is Magic Jack, Nimbuzz, Fring, Truphone, and a whole lot more. When I was in abroad, I can see some expatriates talk long hours on their relatives in their home country (mostly India). And when I ask them how much is the rate in Philippines, they are telling that it is more expensive or the call quality is poor. And yes it is true. I have tried one myself and the delay is so long. Quality is also poor. In short, telcos in the Philippines do not support this kind of technology. They want you to buy everything from them.

Why is that technology is prohibited in the Philippines while it is available elsewhere?
They cannot make money. As simple as that.

To the mobile networks and communication providers in the Philippines, give us a break. Make this technology available to everyone so that we can enjoy communicating each other cheaply. Maybe that is the reason why Globe was hacked because they are greedy sons of bitches, and have poor signal outside Makati Area. Have you noticed that? Smart's signal is more prominent in the provinces than Globe. But there is another problem with Smart, poor customer service and high bill rates.

By the way, there are reports of a 'hackathon' to be held in some private islands of the Philippines. It is a secret by the way. Where all the hackers from all over the world will come and code. and at the same time enjoy the beautiful sights of the Philippines. To all the hackers out there, go ahead - it is more fun to hack in the Philippines.

Did you remember the 'I Love You' Virus which caused downtime to lots of computers around the world?
Yes, two Filipinos did it, named Reomel Ramores and Onel de Guzman. In year 2000, the damages were estimated up to $5.5 billion worldwide.

But there is another side to the story, Onel did make a virus to present it as his thesis to his university (AMA Computer College). The virus is in a form of a program, where everyone can have free internet access. The university rejected the idea (why would they reject something like that?). Onel became upset and he dropped out. Depressed and upset, he released the uncontrolled form of the program - which is a virus, and has affected billions of computer users around the world.

He is still lucky though, as there are no 'anti-hacking' laws in the Philippines that time. He was set free.

I do believe that the Internet is for everyone. Information must be free and we must use it to create innovations that will benefit everyone. If it is enjoyed by greedy corporations only, progress will be slow and highly depressing.

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